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Author page: Naren Bhati

Naren Bhati

Naren Bhati is a skilled AI Expert passionate about creating innovative digital solutions. With 10+ years of experience in the industry, Naren has developed expertise in designing and building software that meets the needs of businesses and consumers alike. He is a dedicated and driven developer who always seeks new challenges and opportunities to grow and develop his skills.

99 articles published
AI in Inventory Management

AI In Inventory Management: Benefits, Process and Cost

In today's fast-paced commerce landscape, AI in inventory management is a transformative force. Imagine a warehouse manager grappling with manual tasks amidst fluctuating demand. Now, envision AI seamlessly navigating real-time data streams, predicting demand, and optimizing stock levels with precision. AI isn't merely a buzzword; it's a game-changer.  By leveraging machine learning and predictive analytics,…

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AI-based Astrology Mobile Application Development

AI-based Astrology Mobile Application Development

Imagine someone curious about what the stars have to say about their day, turning to their smartphone for answers. This is increasingly common as astrology meets modern technology. For millennia, astrology has captivated humans, offering insights into personal lives and the greater cosmos. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing this ancient wisdom, leading the charge…

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Developing Custom AI Chatbots for eCommerce Websites

Developing Custom AI Chatbots for eCommerce Websites

Digital technology has reshaped consumer expectations and behaviors, compelling businesses to adapt and innovate continuously to maintain their competitive edge. In eCommerce, where customers prioritize instant gratification and swift service, AI chatbots have become indispensable as the primary touchpoint between businesses and consumers. These bots, capable of handling myriad tasks, from answering FAQs to processing…

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Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

The Road to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Its Working, Benefits and Future

The concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has captured the imagination of scientists, technologists, and futurists for decades. At its core, AGI represents the pinnacle of artificial intelligence, aiming to replicate human-like cognitive abilities in machines. Unlike its more specialized counterparts, AGI seeks to possess the capacity to understand, learn, and adapt across a broad…

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AI Smart Parking App Development

How To Develop AI-Powered Smart Parking System Mobile App

In today's rapidly evolving world, urban spaces are becoming increasingly congested, making parking a vehicle an everyday challenge. Enter the era of the Smart City, a concept where every element, including parking, is optimized for utmost efficiency through technology. The AI-Powered Smart Parking System App is central to this vision, a revolutionary application that promises…

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Hire Generative AI Developers

A Guide To Hire the Best Generative AI Developers

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a groundbreaking technology with vast potential across various industries. With the increasing demand for AI-driven solutions, organizations seek highly skilled Generative AI Professionals to foster innovation and gain a competitive advantage. As the influence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries worldwide, the need for proficient…

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Virtual AI Companion App Like Replika

How To Develop a Virtual AI Companion App Like Replika

Artificial intelligence has ventured into unprecedented territories, including human companionship, in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. Virtual AI companion apps, such as Replika, have gained remarkable traction due to their ability to simulate human-like conversations and provide users with a sense of connection and companionship. Replika, one of the pioneers in the virtual AI companion…

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